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Staten Island NY Personal Injury Lawyer > Posts tagged "personal injury" (Page 2)

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

If you’ve suffered significant harm because of someone else’s obvious carelessness ("negligence" in legalese), this may not be a tough question to answer. But many situations are not so cut-and-dried. If you’re figuring out whether you have a valid personal injury claim—one that would justify going to the time and trouble of filing an insurance claim over the incident or bringing a lawsuit to civil court—there are a few key factors that can help you decide. How Serious Are Your Injuries? Any time you think someone else did something that resulted in harm to you, or simply did something that put you in...

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What is the Personal Injury Statute of Limitations in New York?

Whether your potential legal claim stems from a slip and fall, a traffic accident, or any other incident where someone else's conduct caused you harm, you might be thinking about filing a personal injury lawsuit in New York's civil courts. If so, it's crucial that you comply with the statute of limitations for this type of case. (A little background for those who may not be fluent in "legalese": a statute of limitations is a law that puts a time limit on your right to file a lawsuit in court.) In this article, we'll cover the details of New York's personal injury statute of limitations,...

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Personal Injury Claims Based on COVID-19

Most personal injury claims are based on a legal theory called negligence, which means that a person or a business did not use the appropriate care under the circumstances. The person bringing the claim (the plaintiff) must show that they would not have suffered harm if the defendant had acted reasonably. These cases do not typically arise from contracting an infectious disease, such as a flu. It can be hard to prove the precise source of exposure, as well as identifying a specific action by a defendant that showed a lack of reasonable care. However, there may be certain situations...

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Being Prepared to Meet Your Attorney After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Driving a car carries with it many responsibilities, such as obeying traffic laws and obtaining insurance. So what sort of things is your attorney going to be interested in knowing, and what documents might he or she be interested in reviewing? The following is a checklist of items you might want to think about, and prepare for, before meeting your attorney for the first time. Accident Information: Are you prepared to explain the details of the accident? Yes or No? What day did the accident occur? What time of day did the accident occur?  What was the exact location of accident? What was the weather like? What was the roadway...

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Timeline for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Get Medical Treatment The first thing that you should do after getting injured in an accident is to get medical treatment. If you are hurt, go to the hospital or see a doctor. Not only is this the right thing to do for your health, but, if you don’t see a doctor for some time after an accident, the insurance adjuster and the jury will assume that you weren’t all that hurt. Choose a Lawyer The next thing that you will have to do for anything more than a minor claim is to choose a lawyer. You should choose the lawyer soon after the injury....

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Studies Show Tired Employees are the Most Prone to Accidents

What Causes Worker Fatigue? Several factors including too little, poor quality or interrupted sleep over a period of time can cause fatigue. Fatigue is the body's signal that a rest period is needed.  Long work hours and extended and irregular shifts may be stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. The body operates on a circadian rhythm sleep/wake cycle. It is naturally programmed for sleeping during night hours. Demanding work schedules may disrupt the body's natural cycle, leading to increased fatigue, stress and lack of concentration. What are the Effects of Demanding Work Schedules? Long work hours and extended and irregular shifts may lead to fatigue and...

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This Is Why Personal Injury Cases Are Getting More Complicated

According to a new report, wearable technology is complicating what used to be simple personal injury cases. The devices we choose to wear are capable of capturing all sorts of information, including health-related vitals like heart rate and blood pressure, but also more unbelievably, new devices can help users “hear” music through their skin. The potential applications are endless, and the limitations are almost nonexistent. Better yet, the batteries are getting better. Microchip technology is getting exponentially cheaper. The technology is becoming more popular. Wearables seem poised for the mainstream more than ever before. They can even be placed in articles...

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Leaking Breast Implants Leave Women Fighting Infections, Insurers

Insurers can deny coverage for treatment related to infections caused by breast implants, causing a budding advocacy movement. “The insurers use the fact that there’s no true medical definition for breast implant illness as an opportunity to try not to pay for it,” said Scot Glasberg, a former president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Women who have suffered from breast implant illness are asking the FDA for help, but the agency can’t do much when it comes to insurance coverage. Leaking implants can cause a variety of illnesses, but women who need them removed face a series of obstacles from...

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After Hundreds of Crashes Britax Jogging Stroller Faced Recall

The crashes were brutal. With no warning, the front wheel on the three-wheeled BOB jogging strollers fell off, causing the carriages to careen and even flip over. Adults shattered bones. They tore ligaments. Children smashed their teeth. They gashed their faces. One child bled from his ear canal. Staff members at the Consumer Product Safety Commission collected 200 consumer-submitted reports from 2012 to 2018 of spontaneous failure of the stroller wheel, which is secured to a front fork by a quick-release lever, like on a bicycle. Nearly 100 adults and children were injured, according to the commission. The agency’s staff members...

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New State Rules Face Challenge in Curbing Illegal Dumping

The DEC now requires detailed tracking of construction and demolition debris leaving New York City in the wake of illegal dumping at Roberto Clemente Park. Spurred by illegal dumping at Roberto Clemente Park in Brentwood, the state Department of Environmental Conservation enacted its first major overhaul of solid waste management regulations in more than 20 years. Since early 2018, most New York City construction and demolition debris — like the 40,000 tons of contaminated material dumped at Clemente — now requires enhanced analysis from the facilities that process and reuse it, and enhanced tracking of the trucks that take it away. Any load from...

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