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Car Accidents

Staten Island NY Personal Injury Lawyer > Car Accidents (Page 7)

Conversations, cell phones both distracting to drivers

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law For some New York drivers, even having a conversation in the car might be a distraction. A meta-analysis that appeared in the journal Human Factors looked at experimental studies on driving and distraction but no epidemiological reports or surveys. The analysis examined more than 100 experimental situations using more than 4,000 drivers and came to several conclusions. It found that both hands-free and hands-on cellphone use resulted in a diminished scanning of the environment and a slower reaction time and identification of hazards. However, conversing with others in the vehicle affected reaction time, speed, distance...

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Common injuries caused by drunk driving crashes

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law Drunk driving is responsible for around one-third of all traffic-related deaths in New York and the rest of the United States. Certain people, including drivers and passengers under the age of 24, motorcyclists and those with prior DUIs, are at greater risk of dying in a drunk driving crash. There are numerous fatal injuries that can occur during an alcohol-related car accident. One of the most common is a traumatic head injury, which can happen when someone hits the steering wheel, dash or some other part of the vehicle's interior. A head injury can also...

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Drowsy drivers and daylight saving time

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law With one less hour to sleep after daylight saving time goes into effect, many drivers across New York undoubtedly suffered from drowsiness on their morning commutes. A recent AAA study found that instances of drowsy driving increase after daylight saving time, so the organization gives drivers several tips on how to prevent getting into an accident. Drowsy driving account for nearly 10 percent of all car crashes in the U.S. If possible, drivers should get to bed earlier the night before. This is the first and most important step because nothing outside of rest can cure drowsiness....

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Keeping highways safe with state governors’ participation

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law America's roads are becoming less and less safe. In 2016, 39 states reported an increase in the number of traffic fatalities. Nationwide, the fatalities rose by 5.6 percent. A total of 37,461 drivers died in New York and across the U.S. that year. It is known that road safety conditions in America are inferior compared to those of other developed countries. Drivers may be wondering who can lead the way in pushing and implementing improvements. This is where a new report from the National Governors Association comes in. The organization states that state governors have a key...

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Safety technology reduces car accidents, injuries

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law New York motorists who follow automotive technology may be interested in learning that safety warning systems work. A new study indicates that collision avoidance systems significantly reduced certain types of accidents. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety studied 5,000 car accidents that happened in 2015. These car accidents included one-car, head-on collisions and sideswipes in lane departure and blind spots the technology features are designed to prevent. The accident rate decreased to 11 percent in vehicles that had the warning systems. The injury rate also dropped by 21 percent. The study determined that 55,000 fewer people would...

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NTSB proposes ways to discourage speeding

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law Many New York motorists are aware that over the past few years, traffic-related deaths have been on the rise. Though some claim that distractions, especially smartphone-using pedestrians, are causing it, the National Transportation Safety Board has released a study saying that the main factor is speeding. About 31 percent of traffic deaths between 2005 and 2014 were caused by speeding, roughly the same as fatalities related to driving under the influence. Therein lies one of the issues, according to the NTSB. No national campaigns have created a cultural stigma around speeding, and there is no...

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NHTSA to hold summit on drugged driving

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law Car accidents caused by drivers who are under the influence of drugs are on the rise in New York and across the United States, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants to do something about it. On March 15, the federal agency will host a summit designed to raise awareness about drug-impaired driving and develop solutions to solve the issue. Two of the reasons behind the increase in drugged driving crashes are America's opioid crisis and the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana in many cities and states. In fact, federal statistics show that the...

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What to do around aggressive drivers

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law New York drivers often encounter others on the road who are aggressive or downright angry. Sometimes, offended drivers will become angry and also give in to road rage, increasing the chances that both of them will get in an accident. However, it doesn't have to be this way. For example, drivers may notice someone trying to force them out of the way by riding close to their bumper, perhaps even honking the horn and flashing the lights. In such cases, drivers should neither slow down nor speed up, as they may accidentally block a passing...

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