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August 2 the deadliest day for drivers in the U.S.

Staten Island NY Personal Injury Lawyer > Car Accidents  > August 2 the deadliest day for drivers in the U.S.

August 2 the deadliest day for drivers in the U.S.

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law

Based on crash data spanning the years 2012 to 2016, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety was able to conclude that August 2 is the single deadliest day for drivers in the U.S. A total of 505 people were killed on America’s roads during that five-year period. Drivers in New York may have assumed that New Year’s Eve or Super Bowl Sunday would be the most dangerous day, so they will want to know the reason for this finding.

Researchers at the IIHS state that this random day is the most dangerous for the same reasons that the entire summer season is dangerous: an increased number of motorists and sunny weather. The pleasantness of the weather makes many drivers a little careless whereas bad weather at least puts drivers on guard.

During the five years analyzed in the study, a total of 15,914 people died in August alone. According to Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company members, there were 60,976 accidents in August 2016. The first week of this month also happens to be the prime time for people to go on vacations.

Apart from these two factors, nothing makes August 2 especially noteworthy. The other deadly days that the IIHS pointed out were the 4th of July, October 25, May 3 and November 1.

If a driver’s negligence causes an auto accident, his or her auto insurance company may be held responsible for the victim’s injuries. Victims will want to hire a lawyer before filing their claim. New York is a pure comparative negligence state, so it doesn’t matter to what degree the victims themselves were at fault. They can still file, but the amount they can potentially receive will naturally be lower. An attorney can hire third parties to gather all the necessary proof and then negotiate for a settlement out of court.