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Trucking crashes can cause severe injuries

Staten Island NY Personal Injury Lawyer > Truck Accidents  > Trucking crashes can cause severe injuries

Trucking crashes can cause severe injuries

On behalf of Orin Cohen of Orin J. Cohen Law

When drivers in New York share the road with large trucks, they may be concerned about the consequences of a collision involving one of these massive vehicles. When a fatal crash takes place involving both a passenger vehicle and a semi-truck, the fatality is a person in the passenger car up to 97 percent of the time. Even when everyone survives the crash, the injuries and property damage suffered can be significant. This is especially true when trucks of such size and mass are involved.

Some of the most catastrophic injuries that can be caused by truck accidents involve damage to the spine. Back injuries can involve shattering or fracturing the vertebrae with enough force to damage or even break or pierce the spinal cord. These types of injuries often cause temporary or permanent loss of the ability to walk or use one’s limbs. The consequences of this type of injury can be lifelong, and a person may be unable to return to their previous work and so require major changes to their entire way of life.

There are other types of severe injuries that can worry drivers. For example, a head injury can lead to a concussion or a traumatic brain injury, and the long-term effects of the damage may not always be immediately apparent. In addition, even injuries like broken bones and lacerations may be more than minor concerns. Surgery, physical therapy and long-term, painful treatment may be necessary.

When people have been injured in a trucking accident, they may face spiraling expenses as well as a devastating physical condition. A personal injury attorney may help truck accident victims pursue compensation for the damages they have suffered, from medical bills and lost wages to pain and suffering.