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NYCOSH Construction Fatality Report, “DEADLY SKYLINE,” Released, Reveals Increasing Trend in New York State Construction Fatalities

A New Report Shows Construction In New York State Remains ‘Highly Dangerous’ Despite Attempts At Improving Safety Construction Fatalities In New York City Decreasing Despite Overall Statewide Increase In Construction-Related Fatalities The New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH) released its latest construction fatality report, “Deadly Skyline: An Annual Report on Construction Fatalities in New York State,” outlining just how dangerous construction remains in New York State. Deemed “highly dangerous,” researchers found increasing trends in New York State construction fatalities and that employers routinely violate legal regulations with impunity. The report also found that while New York State is seeing an...

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Studies Show Tired Employees are the Most Prone to Accidents

What Causes Worker Fatigue? Several factors including too little, poor quality or interrupted sleep over a period of time can cause fatigue. Fatigue is the body's signal that a rest period is needed.  Long work hours and extended and irregular shifts may be stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. The body operates on a circadian rhythm sleep/wake cycle. It is naturally programmed for sleeping during night hours. Demanding work schedules may disrupt the body's natural cycle, leading to increased fatigue, stress and lack of concentration. What are the Effects of Demanding Work Schedules? Long work hours and extended and irregular shifts may lead to fatigue and...

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New York Construction Workers Remain at Risk Without Legislative Action

With this year’s legislative session in full-swing in Albany, special interest groups have resumed their attacks on laws designed to keep workers safe on construction sites. Construction and insurance trade groups, seeking to shed accountability and pad their pockets, have argued that labor protections like the Scaffold Safety Law are somehow undermining worker safety. However, a recent data analysis by the New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health (NYCOSH) confirms that stronger safety requirements in New York City are helping to reduce on-the-job fatalities while worker deaths continue to rise in other, less-regulated parts of the state. In 2017, the most recent...

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OSHA Reveals Top 10 Violations for 2018

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced the preliminary Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety violations (current as of October 1) for fiscal year 2018. Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the Top 10 as part of the 2018 NSC Congress & Expo, an annual gathering of safety professionals. While the rankings for OSHA’s Top 10 most cited violations vary little from year to year, violation No. 10 on this year’s list, “Eye and Face Protection” (1926.102), was not on the 2017 list. The Top 10 for Fiscal Year 2018 are: 1. Fall Protection – General...

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