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brain injury Tag

Staten Island NY Personal Injury Lawyer > Posts tagged "brain injury"

What Can an Expert Witness Do in a Brain Injury Case?

Depending on the injury type, those experiencing them can endure severe symptoms and conditions like memory loss, impaired vision, seizures, and blindness. Many struggle with communication, emotional behaviour, working, and using standard body skills. Such injuries can genuinely turn someone’s life upside down.  Even more frustrating is knowing that someone else’s ill intentions or negligence were to blame. Victims must then navigate a complex legal system to hold the persons responsible to account and receive the compensation they deserve. That’s where expert witnesses come in. They can be valuable in the average TBI legal case for these reasons:  Establishing the Cause Highly regarded brain...

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Litigating Birth Injuries and Medical Malpractice

Injuries that occur during labor and childbirth can be some of the most damaging to an infant, and there are many ways in which miscommunication or simple negligence can result in such severe outcomes. In this feature, Attorney and Board Certified Diagnostic Radiologist Armand Leone discusses the role that medical malpractice can play in causing birth injuries and how such cases ought to be handled A birth injury involves a physical injury to a baby that occurs as a result of some event during labor and childbirth. While birth injuries are rare and occur in only six or seven births per...

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